
Chalice has been serving children and seniors in Tanzania since 1998 in two sites in rural communities.

The average rural Tanzanian family is quite large, and parents often struggle to afford school fees for all of their children. Children are at high risk of dropping out, which increases high rates of unemployment and out-migration of men to urban mining centres. Women are left to run their smallholder farms for food and livelihood; they have no access to modern techniques and information, and yields are poor. As a result, more nutritious foods are prioritized to sell for profit and nutrient-poor foods (eg cassava) are kept for families to eat. Malnourishment and stunting is endemic among the children.

Through the support of sponsors and donors, Chalice and our local partners focus on:
  1. Education - Ensuring each child completes their education until high school graduation, at a minimum.
  2. Nutrition & Agriculture - Our partners implement school feeding programs to ensure that children have a balanced and nutritious meal daily. They also work with parents so that they can become more agriculturally productive with their available local resources and improve their agri-businesses.
  3. Skills Development & Retention - Capacity-building with youth and adults to increase the local workforce of skilled and educated workers and decrease rates of unemployment and the tide of out-migration.

Our sites in Tanzania:

Mbinga - Chalice partnered with the Vincentian Fathers from India in one of the most remote parishes of Mbinga Diocese in 1998. Fr. Cino oversees the sponsorship program for both children and seniors in nine locations across the southwestern region. Chalice also runs a school program in several schools in Thonakkura.

Neema - Chalice partnered with the Sisters of Visitation Congregation of Alleppey of India in the remote district of Songea in 1998. Sr. Mary Grace Jacob directs the child sponsorship program through the Neema Visitation Orphanage for Girls, as well as a school, healthcare centre, and maternity clinic.


Chalice has been serving children in Ghana since 1997 in three sites in rural communities in the far northern region of the country, which is highly under-developed when compared to the southern regions.

Communities in the rural north have little to no access to schools, transportation, or public services, which contributes to an existing feeling of disenfranchisement among the rural populations. The erratic climate consistently threatens agricultural output and leads to food insecurity. The majority of young adults move to the prospering southern regions, leaving behind communities that are disproportionately elderly and vulnerable.

Through the support of sponsors and donors, Chalice and our local partners focus on:
  1. Education – Bringing quality educational facilities to under-served rural areas.
  2. Adult education - Empowering women with literacy, skills training, health, and their basic rights.
  3. Agriculture – Implementing programs that improve access to clean water and up-to-date information. With improved growing conditions comes greater food security for the families.

Our sites in Ghana:

Wa – Chalice has  partnered with Diocese of Wa and Lassia Tuolu Parish in the rural town of Wa since 1997. Under the direction of Pele Abraham Bright, the site implements the sponsorship program in 11 subsites, which are primarily Catholic primary and junior high schools, as well as one nursery. The site conducts programs to prevent and treat Hepatitis B, which is endemic in the region. In addition to sponsorship, the site provides leadership training, workshops on health and community issues, and cultural celebrations for the community.

Kondt - Chalice has partnered with the Wa School for the Deaf as its own site since 2013. Under site director Guong Nicholas, the school offers a nursery program, primary, secondary, and vocational education. Along with deaf students, the school serves children from very poor families and children with intellectual disabilites. In addition to sponsorship, the site provides employment skills such as bread-baking and catering services. The site also provides entrepreneurship training and sign language training for women.

Nandom – Chalice partnered with Nandom Parish in 2013. Site director Boniface W. Nakaar oversees the sponsorship program which supports parents and guardians through DFF (Direct Family Funding).  All sponsored children attend school, with most of the schools receiving support through Chalice Children Nutrition. The site also provides regular medical workshops on urgent health issues such as Hepatitis B and HIV/AIDS, which are endemic in the region. The site places a special emphasis on promoting the value of educating girls.


Chalice has been serving children in Zambia since 1997 in two sites in very rural communities. Chalice has built schools and continues to run them in areas where there are no other educational opportunities.

Schools in Zambia are located in major cities, but there are very few in rural communities, forcing children to travel long distances to attend any kind of formal education. In the communities where Chalice works, there is very little access to any health care because most doctors are unwilling to work outside of urban centres. Chalice works with primarily female-headed households, because men travel for mining work. Domestic responsibilities keep women from pursuing education, creating a cycle of under-education with their children.

Through the support of sponsors and donors, Chalice and our local partners focus on:
  1. Education - Bringing quality educational facilities to under-served rural areas.
  2. Adult education - Empowering women with literacy, skills training, health, and their basic rights.
  3. Agriculture - Implementing programs that improve access to clean water and up-to-date information.  With improved growing conditions comes greater food security for the families.

Our sites in Zambia:

Kawambwa - Chalice partnered with the Sisters of the Child Jesus in the remote community of Mporokoso in 1997. Under the direction of Sr. Bwalya Agnes, the Sisters run the sponsorship program in two schools, St Mary’s and St Odilia’s, primarily serving children with visual impairments and children with albinism. In addition to sponsorship, the site offers special programming for children with visual disabilities, workshops on health, family budgeting, and the importance of education.

Serenje - Chalice partners with the Little Servant Sisters of Blessed Virgin Mary of the Immaculate Conception in the remote community of Serenje and various other sites across Zambia. Site director Sr. Catherine and the Sisters run the sponsorship program which caters for children in nursery and primary schools in various subsites, as well as secondary schools. In addition to sponsorship, the site provides regular check-ups and screening for HIV/AIDS, malaria and other infectious diseases. The Sisters work with parents to help them develop income-generating projects, and host workshops on disease prevention, hygiene, and the importance of education.


Chalice has been serving children in Haiti since 1999 in two sites in both urban and rural communities.  We have been able to see the long-term impacts of our decades of work, as well as provide immediate disaster relief in the wake of the 2010 earthquake and Hurricane Matthew in 2016.

For families who cannot afford private education for their children, access to quality education is nearly impossible. Public schools are under-resourced, and some parents are mistrustful of the role of education for their children. In the communities where Chalice works, there is a severe lack of adequate housing.  Rates of food insecurity are high and malnutrition is endemic among the children. Parents struggle with high rates of unemployment.

Through the support of sponsors and donors, Chalice and our local partners focus on:
  1. Education – Ensuring each child completes their education until high school graduation, at a minimum. We  assist families to afford schools fees, books, uniforms and other necessary materials, and work to instruct parents on the importance of education.
  2. Nutrition – Our partners ensure children have balanced, nutrient –rich diets by implementing school feeding programs through the support of the Chalice Children Nutrition Program.
  3. Livelihood -  providing opportunities for parents to find work or begin their own income-generating projects
Our sites in Haiti:

Haiti North -  Chalice sponsorship began in the communities of Terrier-Rouge and Grand-Bassin in 1999. Chalice is partnered with Haiti Nord under the direction of Edley Gabeau. There are currently over 1,700 sponsored beneficiaries. Children in schools benefit from a feeding program supported by the Challce Nutrition Fund. The site conducts health assessments for the children and monitors their development, and provides workshops for parent groups on the importance of nutrition. The site runs a successful community poultry cooperative program. 

Haiti South – Chalice is partnered with the Missionaries of the Anunciation - Sowers of Hope - in the communities around the city of Jérémie under the direction of Br. Marcelin Henri. The site consists of five sub-sites. Several school canteens receive support through the Chalice Children Nutrition Program. In schools that do not have a canteen, families receive kits of food to prepare at home. Members of the staff work with four nurses who deliver training to families on disease prevention (typhoid, malaria, HIV/AIDS), hygiene and balanced nutrition. In the wake of the 2010 earthquake and Hurricane Matthew in 2016, Chalice supported several reconstruction projects throughout the area.

Saint Dominique - Chalice is partnered with Fondation Montesinos in the area of Titanyen near Port au Prince. The site supports an orphanage that houses 85 children and sponsors children who attend Institution Saint Dominique. Our site director is Wendell Jn. Emmannuel Alphonse.

2022-2023 at a glance

*Annual Report
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