Making Dreams Possible: The Gift of Sponsorship

From elementary all the way to tossing her cap at graduation, María Belén is thankful for being sponsored while growing up. Due to sponsorship “I am the person I am,” she says. “Since my primary studies, [my sponsor has been] a great support – not only for me but for my family.” They helped her throughout her entire schooling journey, witnessing her success in the end!  

María Belén lives on the steep slopes of La Paz, Bolivia, with her parents and three siblings. Her father, Jesus, was a taxi driver and was the household breadwinner. Her mother, Claudia, lives with a chronic illness and is unable to work.  

The family experienced poverty. However, Jesus and Claudia, together with her Chalice sponsors, were not going to let that hold back their little girl’s ambitions. 

María Belén was sponsored through Chalice’s Guadalupe site since she was eight. When María Belén was first sponsored, their family home had no running water. Although they chose to prioritize food, they were able to use some money to fix up their home and improve their living conditions. Sponsorship not only got her through school but also lifted her whole family up along the way. 

María Belén graduated high school with a dream of becoming a nurse. She always wanted to be in health care so that she could help those in need. Her dream job was within arm’s reach, and she was so excited. She studied hard and passed the entry exams to the nursing school in La Paz. 

Now 19, María Belén is sailing through her nursing program. She is embarking on her internship in the community, the last step before graduation. “I did my hospital internships at the Women’s Hospital and the Clinics Hospital for three months, applying everything I learned in theory,” she says.  

María Belén and her fellow students ran health fairs for seniors and had the chance to practice with injections while running cough prevention campaigns. 

Although it was tiring work, she knew it was worth it. Now equipped with healthcare knowledge, she “is the one who is attentive to her mother’s check-ups,” says the Guadalupe site staff. 

“She is enthusiastic,” says the staff, “and looks forward with great joy to share her success with the people who made it possible: her parents and her sponsors in Canada.” 

“Thank you for everything,” says María Belén. “To my godparents [sponsors] who kept up with my life step by step. She truly adored her connection with her sponsor and cherishes their generosity with pure gratitude. “Thank you for being with me. I am very grateful.” María Belén says.  

Sponsorship will touch the heart of families in need. It will bring a sense of joy and fulfillment knowing that you are making a positive change. You can support a child and watch them grow up to pursue their dream job, too. Click here to see who your new sponsor child could be. 

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