September 6, 2007
Bastián lives in a calamine house with a metal sheet roof in Santiago, Chile with his parents and older sister. He is currently in grade ten and his favourite subject is math. Bastián is diagnosed with autism. He is very passionate about cooking and his dream is to become a chef! His favourite activity is soccer with his friends and listening to music. Sponsorship connects teens with disabilities to inclusive educational, occupational, and social activities that help them see their strengths and achieve their dreams.
- Category: Countries
Chalice has been serving children and seniors in Chile since 1996 in 2 sites in urban communities. Chalice is a somewhat unique non-profit in Chile because we have been able to retain our Catholic identity through our partnerships with local religious organizations.
The economic disparity between wealthier Chilean communities and impoverished ones makes for quite striking contrasts. In the communities where Chalice works, there are high populations of migrant workers from neighbouring countries who have been attracted to Chile’s growing economy. Unfortunately, these families frequently do not succeed in finding work and struggle with poverty. Families face high levels of domestic violence.Through the support of sponsors and donors, Chalice and our local partners focus on:
- Education - Ensuring all children complete their primary and secondary education.
- Livelihood - Providing opportunities for parents to find work or begin their own income-generating projects, with special attention to the economic inclusion of migrant parents
- Domestic Violence Prevention - Providing education and awareness training for at-risk families.
Our sites in Chile:
Arica - Chalice has partnered with the NGO Corp de Proyectos Solidarios Caliz (Chalice Solidarity Projects Corp) in Arica city since 2012. Site Director Verónica Herrera oversees the care of both children and seniors in the sponsorship program. In addition to sponsorship, the site offers adult employment skills training, especially for women and indigenous communities. The site ensures medical checkups and treatments, and the Chalice Nutrition Program supports them with nutritious foods for their meal programs.
Santiago – Chalice has partnered with the Good Shepherd Sisters in the city of Santiago since 1996. Directed by Guido Mejías, the site serves both children and seniors in the sponsorship program as well as running a home for abandoned children. Additionally, the site strives to give training and education to mothers. They partner to offer training in food handling, baking, chocolate-making, hair-dressing, massage therapy and dress making.