advent4webstoryThe crackle of a bright fire, a loving family gathered 'round, and hot drinks passed from one to another. These are the sounds of winter for many, but last year in our Ternopil site, the scene was very different.

Employment is already tough to find in Ukraine, and most jobs don't pay well. Many parents lost their jobs due to the pandemic. To add to the difficulties, heating homes is a constant challenge. Fuel is expensive, and the price of gas has skyrocketed.

Typically, children are at school during the day, so parents don't leave the fire running. But with COVID-19 lockdowns forcing students to learn at home, the fire needed to run all the time for warmth.

"The families found themselves in desperate situations," writes Luba, the Ternopil site director, "with lost jobs and income, aggravated by serious health and house issues...they were facing a dilemma: whether to buy food or firewood, winter boots for the child or firewood, warm clothes for the children or firewood."

Thanks to an outpouring of love from Chalice donors, they didn't have to choose.

Through Chalice's home heating project, 118 families of sponsored children at the site received funding to buy firewood for the long winter ahead.

Awestruck, families scrambled for their phones to offer thanks to Chalice field workers for the firewood. Families new to the program didn't even believe this Christmas miracle was possible!

"This heating assistance has been by far indispensable...and greatly appreciated by all the families supported," writes Luba. "There is one thing they all have in common - they could not do without a helping hand."

advent3For families at our Don Bosco site in Paraguay, 2020 was a challenging year. The staff knew what the families were facing, and decided to show love in action by creating a little Christmas joy.

Together, they decided what the families needed most was to "feel the joy, hope, and love that brings the Feast of the Birth of the Baby Jesus," site staff write.

Even in typical years, it's tradition for the Don Bosco staff to prepare Christmas hampers for each of the sponsored children and their families.

"We undertake the beautiful task," they write, because "this gift is eagerly awaited by all families in the program."

Determined to make sure the tradition continued, they gathered staple foods and everything needed for a delicious Paraguayan Christmas dinner, including the popular sweet bread. From there, all that was left to do was deliver the hampers.

The day of the deliveries, the sky darkened and rain poured down. But were the site staff daunted? No! In fact, neither were the families. Some of them even took the rain as a sign of encouragement, renewing everything in its path.

The family members shone with joy and gratitude!

"The savior was born to us, the Emmanuel, the God with us. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year," staff write on behalf of the families..


Amid a disruptive year, the local family circles at our Santiago site in Chile wanted a healing, peaceful Christmas for families and their neighbourhoods.

"2020 was a different year for everyone and especially for our families," the staff write, "who were forced to stay at home, adapt to new routines of work, studies, recreation, and physical and emotional self-care."

The parents decided "to go to the aid of people even in more need and to put God's mercy into practice," the staff write.

Determined that everyone would know healing, they delivered surprise gifts to all non-sponsored children in the neighbourhood. They also celebrated Mass in honour of all sponsors and Chalice staff.

To serve their communities even better, they organized times when community members could pick up pre-packed meals and select from donated clothing. Finally, to top it all off, they prepared baskets of food and essentials for families in need, as well as some for elders in nursing homes.

Through their good deeds, they gave families the gift of a peaceful Christmas amid the storm.


Christmas is an uplifting and hopeful time for families at our Luis Amigó site in Guatemala, and they look forward to it every year. Despite the challenges 2020 presented, the family circles were determined to go ahead with reimagined festivities that ensured safety for all.

Two family circles took the lead, creating a manger. They also rehearsed a special play, dance, and song to entertain and delight the sponsored children and families. Fortunately, none of them developed stage fright!

Watching the performance, site staff were inspired by the optimism and resilience displayed. Even in times of struggle, the families were still hopeful.

"Most of them had lost their jobs," write the staff. Otherwise, they were affected by the coronavirus, but yet, "they were happy and grateful to God because they were still alive. The children were excited with a big smile on their faces."

The children's smiles lit up the whole room as they each received a special present.

"The secret of happiness," site staff write, is cherishing "the little ways that show that God is truly with us."

2022-2023 at a glance

*Annual Report
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