Funding Request: $5,090.66

Critical Need: CNUPI0624

Mariia is 73 years old; she’s the mother of Pochaiv site worker, Nataliia. Despite a bout of rheumatism when she was in her teens, Mariia has led an active and healthy life. She worked as a farmer for most of her adult life.

Mariia's aortic valve surgery, Pochaiv, Ukraine

Two years ago, her health declined. Her blood pressure spiked, she had shortness of breath and chest pain. Her doctors stabilized her health and comfort with medication. 

Recently, her symptoms returned. The hypertension didn’t come down, fever, dizziness, and weakness. A CT scan, angiography, and ultrasound revealed she had aortic valve stenosis - calcifications had thickened her right aortic valve. Her bout with rheumatism so many years ago had led to rheumatic heart disease. Her doctors told her she needed aortic valve surgery

But the preparation for the operation, materials, and rehabilitation will be $5,090.66 CAD. Mariia receives the Ukrainian minimum pension, so she cannot pay it on her own.

Nataliia’s colleagues have put forward a request on the family’s behalf. This will cover Mariia’s CT scan, medicine, ultrasound, cardiologist consultation, and surgical supplies.

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Please note that any donations that exceed the request will be used to fund other critical need emergencies that may arise.

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