Bernet is a long-serving bookkeeper in our Kerala sponsor site, and the mother of two daughters. She has been experiencing pain and numbness in her right hand for two years.

IKH0822largeBernet is the main breadwinner for her family of four. When her hand began bothering her, she consulted the doctor who diagnosed her with carpal tunnel syndrome, and suggested surgery. But Bernet worried that she could not afford the expense and waited to see if she was covered by insurance. She was not, but the pain was becoming intolerable and affecting her ability to work. She had no choice but to undergo the endoscopic decompression surgery.

Her colleagues at the Kerala sponsor site knew that she and her family were struggling to cover these medical expenses. They have therefore put forward a request on the family's behalf for the sum of $806.96 CAD, which includes Bernet's surgical fees, consultations, medication, diagnostic imaging and other ancillary costs related to her hospitalization.

Funding Request: $806.96 CAD
Critical Need: CN IKH0822

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Please note that any donations that exceed the request will be used to fund other critical need emergencies that may arise.

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