Project Location: Asembo, Kenya
Project Code: CP-KAL0722

Nyawita is an elementary school in a rural agricultural area in the far eastern corner of Kenya. The Franciscan Sisters of St. Anna, who run Chalice’s Asembo sponsor site, opened the school with the dream of bringing quality education to this remote and underserved community. On the same property, the Sisters also launched a high school for the visually impaired. There are 200 sponsored children in the community.

Borehole drilling for Nyawita school, Asembo, Kenya

Despite their efforts to set up schools, the Sisters have faced many challenges because the area lacks access to some of the most essential amenities, including water. 

The rainfall in the Nyawita area is irregular and increasingly inadequate to support the community, who are predominantly subsistence rainfed farmers. They don’t have the means to conserve water. 

During the dry seasons, the community relies on ponds – which dry up during prolonged droughts. The closest pond to the school is three kilometres away, across a busy road – which is dangerous for the children, especially those who are visually impaired. There have been several tragic incidents of children being hit trying to cross to fetch water.

The Asembo site has therefore partnered with Chalice to drill a borehole on the Nyawita school property – to supply water to 4,200 people in both schools as well as the wider community. 

In six months, the site will drill a 200m borehole, install a solar-powered pump, conduct physical and bacterial water test, build a 20,000 litre steel water tower, erect water tanks, and plumb the entire system.

The total budget comes to $80,503.52 CAD, which includes project permits and surveys, drilling, materials, installation, development and testing. It also includes the pump, tanks, solar panels, and tower.

With easy access to safe, clean water, an estimated 10,450 Sisters, staff, children, and families will experience much fewer cases of waterborne illnesses, increase the productivity of their farms, and end those dangerous road crossings for water.

Budget in Canadian Funds: $80,503.52 CAD

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Please note that any donations that exceed the request will be used to fund other community projects that may arise.

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