Families and children thrive in strong, supportive communities. In poverty-stricken areas, however, people easily become divided. A lack of resources and jobs leaves people isolated, and families struggle to survive on their own.

Our projects and programs such as community gardens and water systems are designed to help communities grow together in a self-sustaining way. Small businesses and gifts through our catalogue allow families to earn a living and find their place in their community!

You can grow communities by giving a gift that will help families flourish. By sponsoring a child, you'll also help a family become financially stable. They'll become involved with their local Chalice site and feel closer to their fellow families.


Grow communities with these other initiatives:

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Small bakery business booms in Samar

Chalice grows communitiesA local bakery at our Samar site in the Philippines is supporting mothers, boosting confidence, and giving nearby schools and families access to delicious goodies!

Two years ago, a group of mothers in a Chalice family circle received small business start-up funds through our gift catalogue. Our Samar site director had the brilliant idea for them to start a bakery, as there were no other competing bakeries nearby. Our site also provided them with business training to get them started. They coined their new business the "Bethlehem Bake Shop".

Today, the bakery is in full swing, and is very popular within the community. Bread is a staple in the Filipino diet, especially at breakfast time. The shop is also flooded with cake orders during special occasions, especially Christmas.

Each of the 18 mothers that work at the bakery is thrilled to be earning extra income for their families. The best part of the business, the women say, is selling snacks and meals to children at the nearby school. They love knowing that they are helping to ensure that the kids are well fed for class. They also love helping students complete their work placements for college. Such a small bakery turned out to be such a big boost to the entire community!
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2022-2023 at a glance

*Annual Report
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