Our Urgency Fund helps families cope with crisis situations and financial shocks, including medical emergencies, property damage from fires or floods, and funerals.

chalice_health_Medical emergencies funded

Zero Cavities

To combat the issue of poor oral health, the Tondo site In Manila has been running their “Zero Cavities” program for four years. In that time, the children’s oral health has improved significantly. There were a few setbacks during the pandemic lockdown hiatus, but progress has been steady since it resumed in July 2021.

Dental check-ups and treatments (oral prophylaxis, fluoride application, pit and fissure sealant, restoration, and extraction)

Chalice Zero Cavities patients


Housing in India

A lack of adequate housing is a significant issue across many of our Indian sites. Through sponsorship, families are able to meet their daily needs, but not undertake much-needed housing construction or renovations. Since 2021, Chalice sites in India have undertaken housing construction projects that have housed 791 people.

Chalice_Housing in India_2021_2023Assam Housing Project

In 2023, the Assam site staff have partnered with Chalice to construct houses for 25 selected families in the Guwahati and Changsar communities. With an average of four in a house, 100 people live in these households, 50 of whom are children. 80% of the parents earn their income as daily-wage workers, and the rest earn their living as domestic workers or drivers. 22 families have Chalice sponsored children. 

Download the 2023 Assam Housing Project

Chalice supports sponsor sites with various types of Community Projects & Programs under the following two categories: Human Development Programs (HDP) and Capital Projects (CP). In our fiscal year 2021-2022 (Jul 1-Jun 30) Chalice sent $2,408,319.56 in funding to participating sites. In the fiscal year 2020-2021, Chalice sent $1,755,105 in funding to participating sites.
Our projects and programs focus on Education and Training, Food Security, Nutrition and Water, Health, and Community Improvements.
projects and programs funding received

A few examples of 2021-2022 Capital Projects/Human Development Programs (HDPs) are:

Building an operating theatre, maternity and surgical ward and providing equipment, Asembo, Kenya

In partnership with Chalice, our Asembo, Kenya site is constructing a surgical ward, operating theatre, and maternity ward in the St. Elizabeth Lwak Mission Hospital. The Mission Hospital is a faith-based, non-profit health facility within the Catholic Diocese of Kisumu. It serves the Asembo community with an estimated population of more than 100,000 people, receiving an average of 120 patients per day.  This project will avail surgical services to women in the community which will reduce cases of maternal and infant mortality associated with complication in pregnancy during and after delivery, as well as reduce the rate of HIV transmission. This Chalice capital project also supplied all the medical equipment for the surgical theatre, including anaesthesia, sets of tools appropriate to all anticipated forms of surgeries, monitors, lighting, scopes, incubators, beds, and wheelchairs.

Funding provided: $324,061.00 CAD.

Comprehensive emotional and physical rehabilitation of elderly people in Arica, Chile 

To address these multifaceted concerns for the elders’ health, the Arica site launched a two-year program to provide comprehensive health support services for 45 sponsored and 15-non sponsored elders in Arica. The site has created a multidisciplinary team composed of an occupational therapist, nurse, psychologist, Chalice fieldworker, and a social worker. This team will visit the homes of each the elders and conduct assessments and create individualized treatment plans, following all of Chile’s coronavirus regulations. The site’s main objective is to guarantee that the elders’ care and well-being is being addressed and provided on a holistic level and lift them out of some of the areas where they have become most vulnerable. Through their individualized care plans, they hope to see that the elders and their caregivers are feeling happier, more socially connected, have improved mobility, and generally enjoying greater life satisfaction.

Funding provided: $83,416.09 CAD

agriculture projections africa

Every year Chalice invites eligible sponsor sites to apply for additional support through the Gift Catalogue. In our fiscal year 2021-2022 (Jul 1-Jun 30) the total funds raised through the Gift Catalogue were $2,031,508.29.
In the 2019-2020 fiscal year total contributions to the gift catalogue were $1,918,471.00.3yearcontributionsgc 

Eligibility is based on site capacity and performance in financial and operational requirements. Sites are given a list of items they may use to guide their requests. This program benefits both sponsored and non-sponsored children. There is a broad range of categories in the catalogue and sites use this funding opportunity to supplement activities and reach out beyond the sponsorship program. Some examples are: animals (goats, rabbits, and chickens), educational items (books, classroom furniture, and uniforms), health and hygiene (vaccines, toiletries, diapers, and specific medical needs), skills development, small business support, and community infrastructure like water systems and agricultural support.

Read the Christmas Gift Catalogue Impact Report for 2021


2022-2023 at a glance

*Annual Report
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charity intelligence canada