Marie Carmelle is 68 years old and lives near our Haiti South sponsor site. After a high fever in her infancy, she has lived with limited mobility and speech her whole life.

HHS1021ClargeHer mother cared for her in her family's home until she passed, and then her sister became her caregiver. After experiencing ill health, Marie Carmelle's sister asked a cousin to take her into his home. He welcomed her in and found a home care aid to be with his cousin while he went out to work. Unfortunately, August's massive earthquake caused severe damage to his home, leaving it unsafe to live in until he can conduct thorough renovations.

The congregation that runs Chalice's Haiti South site sought to find a safe place for Marie Camelle to live and receive the living assistance she needs. They found a spot for her with a congregation in a nearby community, Marfranc, who provide long-term care. But they will need to hire two aids to work in shifts to ensure Marie Carmelle has the 24-hour support she needs. The Haiti South site has therefore requested the funds for Marie Carmelle to stay with the Marfranc Sisters for one year.

Her 12-month stay, which includes the care, meals, and all her personal hygiene and comfort costs, comes to $2,641.80 CAD. This amount also includes the transportation costs for a visit from family every two months.

Funding Request: $2,641.80
Critical Need: HHS1021C

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Please note that any donations that exceed the request will be used to fund other critical need emergencies that may arise.

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