Funding Request$8,354.41 CAD

Critical Need: CN-ITP0824

Arockiasamy is the 67-year-old grandfather of sponsored child Jaikar. He lives with his wife, his son Augustin, and his grandson in our Tamil site in India. Jaikar is Deaf and his Chalice sponsor is a significant help for his family because he has ongoing medical needs.

Arockiasamy cranial surgery after traffic accident, Tamil, India

In June 2024, Arockiasamy was in a collision riding his two-wheeler at night. He didn’t see a parked tractor on the road. He hit its rear, causing severe forehead injuries. He lost consciousness at first but regained it. He was vomiting and bleeding heavily from his nose. After receiving initial first aid locally, they transported him to a larger hospital in the city. 

MRIs and X-rays revealed that his front left forehead was severely fractured and depressed into cranium, including his sinuses. A CT brain showed pneumocephalus (air in his intracranial space) and hemorrhaging. He was intubated and connected to a mechanical ventilator.

His doctors explained to Arockiasamy and his family that he needed surgical intervention and ICU care. He was then moved to the neuro ICU. Plastic and oral/maxillofacial surgeons advised on the best treatment for front bone fracture and soft tissue injury. They consulted an ophthalmologist about the severe swelling in his eyes, and ENT about his nasal bleeding.

They performed a fixation surgery with plates and screws. Post-op, Arockiasamy seemed to be responding well. He was on oxygen but could be moved to the Neuro high-dependency unit (a step-down from ICU) for further treatment. Over his nine-day hospital stay, Arockiasamy received physiotherapy, a speech and swallowing assessment, and medication. He improved enough to be discharged to go home with his family. He’s recovering and following his prescription medication.

While his family is relieved to have their father and grandfather home, Arockiasamy’s extensive emergency care has created substantial medical costs, amounting to $8,354.41 CAD. With Arockiasamy convalescing, his son Augustin is the sole breadwinner with his job as a nightwatchman and occasional market vendor. They cannot afford these expenses.

The Tamil sponsor site staff have put forward a request to cover the emergency treatment after Arockiasamy’s accident. This includes his doctors' fees, hospitalization, operating theatre charges, physiotherapy, lab tests, X-ray, medicines, and medical items.

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Please note that any donations that exceed the request will be used to fund other critical need emergencies that may arise.

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